Mastering Responsive Grids in Figma: Designing for Consistency and Flexibility

As a designer, you're always looking for ways to improve your design process, make your work more efficient, and create captivating designs. One essential element in achieving this is by utilizing responsive grids. In this article, we'll explore how to design responsive grids in Figma, a popular design tool that offers flexibility and ease of use. We'll discuss layout grids, types of grids, and best practices to help you make the most of this powerful feature.

The Importance of Responsive Grids in Design

Responsive grids provide structure, hierarchy, and rhythm to your designs. They allow you to maintain consistency across various devices and platforms, making it easier to create a cohesive design experience. Grids also help establish a rational approach to type scales, positioning, sizing, and spacing. In Figma, layout grids can be applied to any frame, making them an essential part of your design process.

Layout Grid Basics

Let's start with the basics of applying grids in Figma:

  1. Apply a layout grid to any frame: Layout grids can only be applied to frames, so you can apply them to top-level frames for devices, nested frames within your design, or even frames inside your components.

  2. Multiple grids on a frame: You can add as many different layout grids to a frame as needed, stacking different types of grids on a single frame.

  3. Grid appearance: Customize the appearance (color and opacity) of each grid for easy differentiation.

Types of Grids in Figma

Figma offers three different types of grids: uniform grid, column, and row. Uniform grids create a series of uniformly spaced fields across your frame, while column and row grids provide more options for creating columns and rows. Within column and row grids, you can control their position and scaling behavior.

Baseline Grids

A baseline grid is established from the baselines your typography sits on. These appear as visual aids in your design, repeating vertically at an even interval. Using a baseline grid can help you align text and establish sizing and spacing for other elements. You can create a baseline grid in Figma using a row grid.

Nested Grids

Figma allows you to apply a grid to any frame, meaning you can apply them to nested frames within your design. This provides endless ways to use grids as visual aids in specific areas of your design, with the ability to differentiate among them by specifying the color and opacity of each grid.

Additional Tips on Layout Grids

  1. Using constraints with layout grids: Applying constraints in Figma helps define the resizing behavior of elements in relation to their parent frame. With layout grids, your constraints will be relative to their nearest column or row, allowing for more realistic scaling behavior.

  2. Using grids to visualize padding: You can create grids to visualize padding by styling a column and row grid with a single row/column, setting the gutters to 0, and the margin to your preferred spacing.

  3. Sharing grids with styles: Combine multiple grids into a single grid style to easily apply them across frames, files, and projects. These styles can be shared from a team library.

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating and Applying a 12-Column Responsive Grid System in Figma

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating and applying a 12-column responsive grid system in Figma. This is the most popular grid type and is widely used in responsive web design. By following these steps, you'll be able to create consistent and flexible designs across various devices and platforms.

Step 1: Set up your project in Figma

  1. Open Figma and create a new file.

  2. In the top-left corner, click the '+' icon to add a frame. Choose a frame size for your desired device, such as desktop (1440px width), tablet (768px width), or mobile (375px width).

Step 2: Apply a 12-column layout grid to your frame

  1. With the frame selected, navigate to the right-hand sidebar and click the '+' icon next to 'Layout Grid'.

  2. Choose the 'Columns' grid type.

  3. Set the number of columns to 12.

  4. Set the gutter width to 24px (this is the space between the columns).

  5. Set the margin (the space outside the columns) to 24px for desktop, 16px for tablet, and 16px for mobile.

Step 3: Create a baseline grid (optional)

  1. To create a baseline grid, add a new row grid to your frame.

  2. Set the row grid to 'Top'.

  3. Set the row height to 8px and the gutter height to 0px (this is the space between the rows).

  4. Adjust the color properties to create the desired baseline grid appearance.

Step 4: Design with responsive grids

  1. Add elements, such as text and shapes, to your frame.

  2. To align elements to the grid, use the snapping feature in Figma. As you move or resize elements, they will automatically snap to the gridlines.

  3. Use constraints to define the resizing behavior of elements in relation to their parent frame or the nearest column in the grid. For example, set elements to scale horizontally (left and right) and vertically (top and bottom) according to the column width and row height.

Step 5: Create nested grids (optional)

  1. To create nested grids, add a new frame inside your main frame.

  2. Apply a 12-column layout grid to the nested frame, adjusting the grid settings as needed.

  3. Design within the nested frame, using the same techniques from Step 4.

Step 6: Use grids to visualize padding (optional)

  1. Create a column or row grid with a single row/column.

  2. Set the gutters to 0 and the margin to your preferred spacing (e.g., 16px).

  3. Apply this grid to frames or components within your design to help visualize padding.

Step 7: Share grids with styles (optional)

  1. In the right-hand sidebar, click the '+' icon next to 'Styles'.

  2. Name your grid style (e.g., "12-Column Grid") and click 'Create Style'.

  3. Share your grid style from the team library so other designers can easily apply it to their projects.

Step 8: Test responsiveness

  1. To test the responsiveness of your design, resize the frame or adjust the device dimensions.

  2. Check if the elements within the frame resize and reposition correctly according to the constraints and grid settings.