Unleashing Creativity with AI Tools: A Product Designer's Experience

Following my successful experience with ChatGPT, I've been diving deeper into the world of AI tools and how they can enhance my workflow as a product designer. In this article, I'll be sharing my thoughts on some of the AI tools I've been using and how they have impacted my research, ideation, and overall creativity.


  • ChatGPT: AI research companion for idea exploration

  • BrieflyAI: Enhancing meeting productivity with AI-generated summaries

  • Midjourney: Creating captivating imagery using AI

  • Streamlining workflow and boosting creativity with AI-assisted tools (Notion)

  • AI-assisted form creation and optimization (Typeform)

  • Generative AI in creative software suites (Adobe)

  • Showcasing autonomous AI capabilities and potential applications (AutoGPT)

ChatGPT: My AI Research Companion

ChatGPT has become an essential part of my workflow, enabling me to quickly research ideas, gather new information, and bounce ideas back and forth with the AI. It's almost like having a knowledgeable assistant who's always ready to help me explore new avenues or find relevant data. By incorporating ChatGPT into my work, I've seen a noticeable improvement in the quality and speed of my research process.

BrieflyAI: Enhancing Meeting Productivity

I have to admit that I'm quite biased when it comes to BrieflyAI, as I work as a product designer for the company. Nevertheless, I can genuinely say that it has become an indispensable tool in my daily routine. BrieflyAI offers AI-generated meeting summaries, insights, and follow-ups, making it easier for me to stay present during meetings and be more productive afterward.

By automatically transcribing and categorizing meeting content, BrieflyAI helps me easily find specific discussions later on. The AI-generated summaries, key insights, and personalized action items save me the hassle of sifting through transcripts to synthesize notes. Plus, the auto-drafted follow-up emails allow me to maintain better engagement with my students and clients.

Midjourney: Imagery that Captivates

Midjourney is an independent research lab focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI, and it's become a game-changer in the way I create imagery for my products and presentations. While there's a bit of a learning curve to crafting the perfect prompts for generating images, the results are well worth the effort.

After practicing with Midjourney, I've been able to create stunning visuals that capture the essence of my ideas and captivate my audience. It's truly revolutionized the way I approach visual storytelling in my work.

AI-Infused Everyday Apps: The Future is Now

As I've continued to explore the world of AI tools, I've also noticed how AI is increasingly being integrated into everyday apps we all use.

The fusion of AI into everyday tools demonstrates the potential for AI to enhance user experiences and streamline our daily lives. The future of AI-driven experiences is already unfolding, and it's exciting to see how it continues to evolve.

Incorporating AI tools like ChatGPT, BrieflyAI, and Midjourney into my workflow has been a transformative experience, enabling me to unleash my creativity and access a wealth of knowledge. As a product designer, I'm excited to continue exploring new ways to integrate AI tools into my work and encourage others to share their experiences and experiment with AI-driven solutions. The possibilities are endless, and we're just getting started.

As AI continues to reshape the world of technology, everyday tools are integrating AI to make them more efficient, intuitive, and user-friendly. In part one of this article, we discussed the benefits of AI tools for product designers. Now, let's delve into three popular tools that have successfully incorporated AI into their functionalities.

Notion AI: Streamlining Workflow and Enhancing Creativity

Notion, the all-in-one workspace app, has introduced Notion AI, which enables users to work faster, write better, and think bigger. By integrating AI, Notion AI can automate tedious tasks, improve writing, and help users overcome writer's block. Some features include summarizing notes, generating action items, fixing spelling and grammar, translating text, editing voice and tone, and offering creative brainstorming assistance.

Typeform: AI-assisted Form Creation and Optimization

Typeform has embraced AI to assist users in creating more engaging and efficient forms. The AI setup wizard helps users create typeforms from scratch, streamlining the process and saving time. Users can select question types, and the AI generates questions and optimizes text based on those choices. The AI also allows users to rephrase questions and suggests alternate text for a more productive experience.

Adobe Firefly: Generative AI in Creative Cloud

Adobe is bringing generative AI to the Creative Cloud through Adobe Firefly, a family of generative AI models for creative expression. Firefly aims to transform the conversation between creators and computers into a more intuitive, natural, and powerful experience. The first Firefly model focuses on generating images and text effects, with style, color, tone, lighting, and composition controls.

Adobe Firefly will be integrated into existing workflows across Adobe Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, Experience Cloud, and Adobe Express. Adobe plans to make Firefly available via APIs, allowing users to integrate it into custom workflows and automations.

AI integration in everyday tools is a testament to the potential of AI in enhancing user experiences and optimizing workflows. As AI continues to develop and find its way into more tools, we can expect to see further improvements in productivity, creativity, and overall user satisfaction.

As a product designer, I am excited to explore new AI-driven tools and their potential to revolutionize the way we work and create.

A quick look into Auto-GPT

Auto-GPT is an experimental open-source application that demonstrates the potential of the GPT-4 language model in achieving autonomous functionality. By chaining together large language model "thoughts," Auto-GPT can be directed toward accomplishing a variety of goals. As one of the first examples of GPT-4 running fully autonomously, Auto-GPT showcases the potential of what AI can achieve and paves the way for future developments in the field.

Some of the key features of Auto-GPT include:

Internet access: This allows the AI to search the web and gather information, enhancing its knowledge base and problem-solving abilities.

Memory management: Auto-GPT can manage both long-term and short-term memory, which can improve its performance in tasks that require context and knowledge retention.

Text generation: Leveraging the power of GPT-4, Auto-GPT can generate high-quality text based on user inputs.

Access to popular websites and platforms: This expands the AI's capabilities, allowing it to interact with various online platforms and resources.

Extensibility with plugins: Users can further enhance Auto-GPT's functionality with plugins, making it highly customizable and adaptable to various use cases.

The potential applications of Auto-GPT are vast, ranging from content creation and summarization to information retrieval and decision-making support. With its autonomous capabilities, Auto-GPT can be an invaluable tool for businesses, researchers, and individuals alike, helping them optimize their workflows and achieve their goals more efficiently.

The future of AI, as showcased by Auto-GPT, lies in the development of increasingly autonomous systems that can understand complex problems, adapt to new situations, and learn from experience. As AI technology continues to advance, it will likely play a more significant role in various aspects of our lives, from personal assistance to large-scale data analysis and decision-making. Projects like Auto-GPT are crucial in pushing the boundaries of AI and realizing its full potential in shaping our future.

AI tools are revolutionizing the world of product design by streamlining workflows, enhancing creativity, and optimizing processes. As a product designer, embracing these AI-driven solutions has been transformative, enabling me to access a wealth of knowledge and unleash my full creative potential. As AI technology continues to advance, I am eager to explore new ways to integrate AI tools into my work and encourage others to share their experiences and experiment with AI-driven solutions. The possibilities are endless, and we're just getting started.