Smart In The Box IoT - Planning and designing one of the first smart home control devices

Smart In The Box IoT - Planning and designing one of the first smart home control devices


Smart in the Box is an IoT smart home control app. I have consistently and I am currently working with this start up to help them brand and design most of their products.

This is a prototype design for a thermostat app for the control of homes remotely. Today the company has evolved and Smart in the Box is now an IoT software and hardware platform for monitoring industrial and domestic devices. It transmits and receives data from different devices through the cloud to a bespoke app.

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Smart in the Box is a brand of IP Studio Lab which builds and develops all the SITB elements. It started as a smart home control app, and it has now moved to become an extensive industrial control system. 

This project involved the branding, UI, and UX of this smart home control app. I worked on the branding from concepts through to brand guidelines delivery. 

The second stage of the project was to create the UX and wireframes for the first one of their devices, the thermostat. I focused on all of the features and options that their product offered from the automatic settings to bespoke one, day and night mode, and calendar integration. After examining all the features, I finally integrated them into the app wireframes. 

The company then received an interactive prototype for sign off.

The last stage was to design the UI based on the final wireframes. Each device would have its specific colour and will appear on the home screen of the app.