XLS Nudge Digital Transformation - Bridging the digital and physical world with an innovative CBT app

XLS Nudge Digital Transformation - Bridging the digital and physical world with an innovative CBT app

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Perrigo aimed to launch their new product, XLS Nudge, accompanied by an online plan for users to track progress, access personalized plans based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), join a community with forums, chat with a community coach, and book private video call sessions with a personal coach.

Initially, my role as a UI designer involved taking over from a previous designer to produce an MVP that hadn't met the company's expectations. After successfully creating a first iteration of designs well-received by the company, I was tasked with planning and designing the functionalities mentioned above. My responsibilities extended to developing an app (iOS and Android) from a user perspective and an admin portal for coaches to manage their calendars and bookings.

Subsequently, I was also tasked with redesigning the website, email campaigns, app store and Google Play images, directing the promotional video, and creating engaging training and promotional material. The app, translated into multiple languages, required my oversight for the production of design elements in different countries.